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Monday, 16 April 2012

Back! ^_^

짜잔! I'm back. Well, at least for a little while. I've been ever the hard-working student, so unfortunately I haven't been posting as I used to. With what little history I have in posting...*ahem*

Anyway, time for a post or two, right? Though I must say that since I'm taking Japanese classes, I've been lagging a bit on my Korean Dramas. Which is so sad, since soooo many good-looking ones have come out over the past few months. My list of dramas to watch has grown so large...

But alas, I must finish terms papers and take finals. And one large note to make: I'm going to South Korea! *does a little dance* I'll be studying abroad in Seoul for the summer and finally be able to see Korea in person. My lovely Korean friends at my university here in the States have been helping me learn some Korean so I can survive the first few weeks on my own before my classes at the university start; I'm leaving early so I can explore a bit before settling down to studies.

And, lucky enough, the place I will be staying at has a very nice TV with many channels, so I may be able to watch a few dramas when they actually air instead of relying on the internet. Will I understand the gist of what's going on? I'm sure I can puzzle it out. Will I be able to understand half the stuff the actors will be saying? Probably not, but if the series is good enough I can always rewatch with nice subtitles or ask my Korean housemates for some help.

But anyway, on to the post!

*I take no credit for this picture.

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